at any rate, i left for sydney early today, got on a greyhound bus at about 9....

and hit sydney at about 12.30 or so i think. or 12. 15 or something. didn't took any rewetting drops with me, so my lenses almost fell out of my eyes after i passed out in the bus for 3 hours with my ipod...

realised i didn't quite remember to get cash as well when i left, so had to withdraw from upstairs at central station...

when i came down, i saw this sign, pretty curious about it, what you mean by "inward parcels etc etc etc?" do parcels walk or something? o.o this just made me turned my head.

but not as bad as what was across the road. it was this church, which i shall not show nor name, which is totally locked up. i find it sad, that a church, the place where people come together to worship God, is locked at times. i am not saying it shud be perma open either. if ur worried about safety then just lock it up at night.
mayber i am just not used to locked up churches.
then i stride over to china town. at that time, which was also lunch break, cars and people were everywhere.... i was beginning to feel a tad stifled...

then i saw paddy's. woot!! asian food!!! decided to grab lunch first before i start shopping. don't wana pass out in the middle of great bargains.

a glimpse of paddy's pasar malam downstairs. multiple stalls selling all kinds of crap. the most interesting one though, was this lingerie stall. even had some s & m stuff. whips, leather brassiere/corset and g string, whips. and also, this nurse lingerie. but... old women buying!!! like in their 60s!!! i didn't dare to take photos.

funny bit was, i arrived at what seems like a good time. firstly, they are having stock take sales!!! every where were like, 30-70% sale ahaha.. i almost drooled

secondly, apparently, Twins was also having their aussie autograph session too. this was what i saw at like... 12.30. according to posters, they were suppose to come in at like, 8.30 pm. turns out they were there at like 4 or something. by the time i left paddy's, the entire 1st floor was flooded with teens in their high school uniforms.
then again, they aren't the only ones. there were hong kong girls, who were obviously from uni, in well dressed heels and so on and boyfriends in tow.
what was memorable was how one of them started screaming and bashing her boyfriend up for taking bad photos of twins.
with her camera.

one of the securities, old man and all, with beer gut, started telling people near him to dance with him. then raise one arm up, baring his white armpit hair, and started boogeying slowly. swing that hip old man!! woohooo!!!! (eeww

went up to eat anyways, twins or any stars for that matter, doesn't interest me.
asian food!!! i went to this stall called mclucksa... kinda misspelt laksa but i think he finds it... good feng shui!! that guy who looks like he owns it, seems to be singaporean too. he called fried radish cakes, "cai tao kueh". i almost cried when i heard those familiar words.
goddamn greasy food, makes me cry.

our "national food" according to a tourist, who saw it on a STB brochure. i feel so proud i am a... singahainanesEE?!?! bleah...

anyways, while i was eating, i was reading one of my trashy magazines that was screaming "angelina shatters brad" basically insisting that angelina has gone back to her first ex husband/boyfriend or something. these ladies who were like 2 tables away from me gave a gasp each.
woman 1" omg look! brad has broken up with angie!!"
woman 2" what!?!? why!??!" *looks at me*
me "uhm... she went back to her 1st ex husband... uh look" so i showed them the page.
they showed a disgusted face "she dumped brad for him!?!?! how awful!!"
woman 2 "well he can come to me anytime, i would always welcome him in my arms haha, even though he's american... but nothing matters in love.."
these ladies are like in their 50s or something.
good lord. lol....
so, ok, we need to use a toilet after getting hot and heavy with food right? this ah... doodling caught my eye.... something about "huajie guna die, pk" oh yer, the word pk got my eye... goddamn.. i game too much...

i started my massive shopping afterwards. which i must warn u, is going to be the cause of lack of photos. i was too busy juggling bags and finding directions and getting distracted by cutsie stuff, great new mobile phones, bags and coats, that i forgot about taking photos for a long time. besides, it also caused me to be unable to ah... go to better places :P
but my first stop was a tourist shop to find something to buy, if i feel like it. if anyone remembered, or if i actually wrote it at all, i bought 2 kangaroo scrotums from sydney airport earlier this year, coz it amused me so much that people had used it as a coin pouch.
apparently it's lucky!!
but this shop is a little too... ah...

so out of paddy's i go, by then i was drained from being swamped and pushed around by little boobies and wannabes... started thinking if i could just beg greyhound to let me go home early

i came by this high tech busker. he had so much batteries and other stuff to his left if you could see. he was taking so much time setting up that interested buggers already left.

then this tree came up in the middle of chinatown... probably a statue but i didn't dare touch it. gold stuff at the top...

and they named it gold water mouth...

i walked around abit more, and found the building that had always been under construction, finally all up and spanking new. and named ernst and young. funny bit, when i walked in, my phone switched the area to "ernst and young center" or something like that. wowzer... own antenna?
but right outside that building was this.

i know budget hotels ain't meant to be like all posh and clean and so on. still, this looks... not ready to be slept in. somehow.
near it though, i found the shop i needed to find smoke and wadie a souveneir..

the place where cucumber dildos and giant blow up sex dolls might be sold.
sadly... they don't sell the designs i like

nearby was this pub, called 3 monkeys. it used to be the national australian bank or something like ages ago. and now its a national heritage building or something... under conservation.

inside is where the drunken trolls hehe. i heard its a pretty cool bar though.

eventually i went home after buying all these, mostly from paddy's. jacket from giordano (fairly warm too!!! yay!! no more frostbites!!), shoes from platypus (pink!!) and bag from this tiny shop in a corner. i couldn't pretty much find the bag i want. they may have the designs, but not like, the material.
i don't know what's up with bags nowadays, all made with such coarse and rough materials. bags are meant to be huggable too, coz its the stuff we carry with us, happy or sad, our tear bag

this is what i got for everyone else... hand made chocolate by australian or something. they are right at the corner of the ernst and young building, when u walk up from chinatown. excellent service, and great chocolate.
and mmmm lemon sherbet.

i am off to bed. it's been a tiring one, trying to avoid a stampede of teeny boppers and so on.

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