the background has changed, again. this time its a slight collaboration between me and jake, so all that we have left that's orginally from rachelle is just these pink boxes here that i write on. most of the work is done by jake, from the html adjustments that they will fit in, to the pict above, which was taken from some ragnarok fan art.
i am not exactly sure where the fan art came from however, due to the amount of webpages i surf per day. it would most likely be from hongfire or deviant art, since these are the 2 biggest galleries that i visit usually.
if u wonder why i dont bother making my own back grounds properly, the thing is, i am a total noob with digital art. even the smallest stuff, like the flowers floating left to right above, was all done by jake. i have ideas of what i want done, but i honestly have no idea how to make it without making it look like some kind of disaster. i am still learning however, and hopefully one day i can make something that's truly from my own fingers.
but dont hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
in the mean time, i have also added more blog links and songs.
both are long in coming, especially the blog links. half of the time i see something great, honestly good reads, and i haven't added them for the sheer lack of time and laziness. there's still more to come, but i have to really look through my history for a couple of them, so just wait while i add them and you can have more good reads while you are procrastinating (oh yer, i know, some sad people uses my blog as an excuse to procrastinate their assignments, and the sad story is, they actually come whine to me when i dont update as often as i used to

jake pointed out to me that, omgomg, our bandwidth has been totally under used! so, i shall lift the restrictions on you abusing the bandwidth on my radio blog, although, if you are going to be playing them for days on an end, it will still cause a problem for me. other than that, i have added slightly more songs.
most of the songs, you would have noticed by now, are fairly ah, old. the truth is, i haven't been able to download songs, legally or otherwise, due to certain restrictions. but the oldies are also the goldies! so enjoy them as much as you can

i would put up more pictures if i would in my album. but due to ah... my forgetfulness, i totally forgot to bring camera out during parties and so on. so well, till the next more eventful reason to bring it out!! sorry for all that hehe, for those clicking on the albums.
but i am sure i have taken enough pictures of butts to put them on the albums, maybe i should get round to putting it up!!

at any rate, these are the minor updates to this site. if you prefer not to be link, pls pls pls, learn to use the email button. i may or may not check my comments nor who the hell is upset at times, simply coz it's just weird, to me.
by the time i do check comments, coz it's worth the effort to, god knows how long you have been upset with me. so, learn to use the email button. it works.
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