well at least parts of what i am talking about. if you want to view those TINY PICTURES... click ON THEM and they will OPEN A NEW BIGGER WINDOW!
here are the sexy half naked angels:

strange people with too much time!! they draw these with the ingame money, which.. takes alot of skill that i dont have!!

when we pvp-ed with the farmer, got mad and went red, this was eventually what happened, they bit the dust, while we went red... at lvl 75 this was pretty much the only way to see your xp bar moving...

this was when anf was still playing =/ when they did clan lvl 4 quest and i helped them with it

john had since left though
some of the uglier mobs we gotta fight.

thanks to etra, well and also the person who accidentally pk-ed him in their castle, i got a chance to enter oren castle, first time i was ever inside a castle and got to look around personally. this was taken inside the throne room. thumbnailed this coz it was too big

this was during my first siege.. i havent been in much pvp before so this was like something exciting for me :P

a new mob in c2, evil looking creepy chucky-like piece of shit.. they hurt lots too. this is the front and back view, go figure how she got her skulls :O

one of my favourite people in the game, totally not egoistic, doesn't talk much shit, although has a hot temper, fairly nice :D

this was the first time we have ever met cherub. i believe we were also the first to defeat him. back then, everyone thought he was hard to defeat and were scared of going near him. del, in his moment of lunacy, went to aggro it just to see how much damage it deals, while everyone was too scared to kill it.
in the end.. LOL, we killed it in a few minutes, the minions were actually the tougher ones, but they got out easy. :) got a demon sword blade from this. killed him 3 times more ever since.

this is one of those orcs i was talking about. they get more ferocious looking i guess, but still doesn't make them less ugly or green..

innadril.... so gorgeous...

some of these "fantasy" places are sooo gorgeous, absoutelutely out of this world. then again they are pixels so oh wells =/ but then again, u start seeing such... things...

ooo final picture i promise, this is what i got from linxy for easter!! i feel so bad, didn't get him anything >.> i was looking for this giant bunny :(

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