

Song i am listening to : none, watching Konjiki no Gash Bell
Mood : satisfied

one of my blog-and-news browsing in the last few hours (i made full use of my awasu rss feed, wahaha) lead me to this site, called the live 8. please sign the campaign to end extreme poverty. they don't need your money, they want your voice, one by one, to sign up, and end extreme poverty for the world and the world's children. right now, worldwide, concerts are going on to raise awareness as well as to appeal to the leaders going for the g8 summit to make provisions to end the world's poverty.

countries rich in resources are also the very same few who have the most extreme form of poverty in the world. yet the countries that are buying these resources off them seems perfectly well off, infact very well off. if everyone contributes to help the poor ones out, wouldn't there be no more poverty?

The past few hours were spent, reading whatever i can lay my hands on and watching Gash, an anime that jason, my friend back home in singapore, once showed me but i have never managed to find on the network back on campus.

i try to space my anime out abit now, due in part to the fact that i don't like parting with the characters i just met... so soon. Like how i take my novels and what not, i do not enjoy "losing" them the moment that i just "met" them. sounds queer i know, but remember the last good book that you read? and how you wish it would never end?


then i popped by my haloscan comment controls just for a while, and got a new comment from a person's blog i have been lurking for a while. wow. lol. i never realised people could find out where they get linked back from on some kind of control panel or something. found out from another friend later on that you could just ask for statistics from your web host or something, and then it would all be revealed unto you.

i lurk alot on many blogs, many different pages, for the sheer joy of reading. i love to read stuff that isn't too... theoretical. much as i enjoy studying, i don't exactly like what i read all the time. alot of them would make sense only if, say, i am in that situation.

not sure if i actually made that clear. o.o

anyways, alex of the hurlnecklace site that i liked so much (to me i simply find it gorgeous. it's simplistic, yet feminine, doesn't roar of "i am a feminist" yet is ... ahhh) happened to drop by and commented. hehe. makes me feel all so weird for not commenting on her blog. yet that's just me. i don't like to comment too much.

many times, i view someone's website, words, sayings, i feel like commenting, telling them "hey, this is all so wrong" or "you should have done it this way" or "i feel sorry for you" and hope they would take what i said. but many times i stopped myself because i know, i can't understand how a person feel in their situations, because i know i haven't been in that situation before, and all i could provide was really just a listening ear and a comforting shoulder.

in the case of blogosphere, there's no way i can provide the shoulder, but i could just read and "listen".

and if i do agree with whatever so and so had said on their blog, it would seem weird to comment the very same that they had mention in their post anyways. so no comments are needed.

granted though, my own friends get a little upset when i don't comment on their blogs, or even tag them. first off, i don't really like tags. u notice how i don't have one on my own blog. i just don't think my diary is a chatroom. secondly, i am more likely to get spammed by funny people, and i dont feel like having to censor them or something, easier to prevent these buggers by not having a tagboard at all.

but i like comments, and i know my friends do. i do try and leave comments on their blogs as much as i can push myself to, but if i don't see a need, i don't really want to. :( man i m so mean.

While reading today though, i noticed something that was often my focal point of attention in the last few months while studying genocide cases worldwide.

Darfur, the place where for the last few months was basically a scene for genocide, was what some people might call, a repeated scene from 10 years ago, aka, Rwanda.

The horrors of genocide, where millions of people are killed for their beliefs, their race or just something that groups them up as one, cannot be told in simply words alone.

The united nations themselves set up many calls of "never again" along with their policies in the hope of stopping future genocidal cases, that the world may "never again" reel at the horrors of tyrants killing off millions of people with reasons that are racial or otherwise.

In this article, Kofi Annan expressed regret about how much more he could have done for rwanda 10 years ago, and how the international community was guilty of failing rwanda.

10 years on now, dear sir, and we have failed darfur too, don't you think? the slow response, the unwillingness to stop attacks just so that the other side of the country would have peace from civil wars. both are equally important, both had slow reactions from the international community. are we sure that those people who head the UN cares about the international community?

are we sure that the UN cares for world's poverty? are we sure that the United Nations is truly for the better good, or just another red tape to go through that would slow the processes to get aid for those who really need it?

While Kofi Annan can criticise the international community for slow reaction, the UN, while not supposedly as powerful as it sounds, can still urge and prod the leaders more. the number of news articles about what's happening in darfur though, seems more than the number of articles talking about the appeals at the UN. by a large number.

maybe we don't know what's happening behind closed doors, maybe we as the public don't deserve all that knowledge and do not understand political needs, wants and obstacles that politicians encounter.

but we do know that massive amount of deaths mean something. that's why there are non-profit organisations, that aren't part of the UN.

tell me, why the slow reactions... why the deaths. why?

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